Associated Studios is a leading British Drama school, dedicated to providing top level training in Musical Theatre for aspiring performers who have the potential and ability to pursue a professional career. Our students come from a wide and diverse range of backgrounds and often make huge sacrifices to ensure that they can engage in a training and education that they have worked hard to be able to access.
At Associated Studios we seek to ensure that every student is fully supported throughout their training. In a packed curriculum where fitness and mental well-being is vital to success, ensuring that students have support when needed, can ensure that students remain focused on their training. Our supporters offer help to young people in the form of bursaries towards fees where students of talent need help to be able to continue with their training. The Jeremy Irons Bursary recently supported Gibsa Bah to realise his ambition to train with us.
Our students also have access to a hardship fund which supports students when they have short term unforeseen financial problems in order that they are thinking about their performance rather than financial fear.